Anjuli R. Amin Claim

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination” (Carl Rogers). For most of us, the daily effort we put into work, family, and our health is intended to create a good life. During this process, however, we may experience obstacles or challenging situations that can make reaching our goals harder or, at times, feel impossible. And, no matter our age, income, or stage of life we can all experience moments when we lack fulfillment or direction. In my practice I aim to help people develop the tools they need to stay aligned with their ambitions and, ultimately, get what they want out of life.
My work focuses on helping people using techniques backed by research, in combination with an understanding of my clients’ unique and diverse attributes. This allows me to develop a plan tailored to meet your goals. With my training in behavioral medicine I also value the importance of the mind-body connection and strive to incorporate this into my practice.
Whether that good life involves closing the door on one chapter and saying hello to the next, building meaningful relationships, or improving your physical health, I’d like to help create the change you want to see. If you think this might be a good fit for you, please don’t hesitate to call and schedule a free consultation to find out.
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