Martin McCombs Claim

I specialize in sex therapy and have 25+ years experience in both private practice settings and public health issues regarding human sexuality. I am experienced in treating all the dynamics of individuals and couples issues ranging from finding satisfaction with sexuality in relationships and in identity to sexual dysfunction. I am a nationally-recognized expert in Surrogate Partner Therapy and currently serve as the national Referrals Director for the International Professional Surrogates Association.
I hold a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from an APA-accredited program and a M.A. in Marriage and Family therapy as well as having focused on clinical sexology and sex therapy throughout my clinical training and practice. I use my many years of experience and specialty training in helping patients discover their own paths to happiness and fulfillment.
My life’s work has been dedicated to addressing the sex-negative outcomes of a puritanical culture and to helping people evolve into self-loving and happy sexually functioning individuals and couples. I take pride in fusing my empathy, skills and training into making a difference for you.
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